5 Ways to Get Your Health Back on Track

Meal Prep

Even if it’s not for the week, simply preparing your breakfast and lunch for the day the night before can save you a great deal of time in the morning. Doing this will ensure you are eating healthy throughout the day to help get you health back on track. It can also save you quite a bit of money every month if you’re the type of person that likes to eat out a lot.

Overnight oats, a yogurt bowl or fruit dish are great ideas that are easy and quick for something in the morning. For lunch, a chicken or salmon salad which can be thrown together in 10 minutes or less and can be used from any meat used for dinner the night before.

A buddha bowl is another great alternative which is both delicious and filling. These can be filled with any type of lean meat, rice, greens and an assortment of veggies. To add some flavor to this dish, try spicing it up or add peanut sauce.


Although the idea of stretching may sound completely unappealing to some, stretching has actually been proven to help increase the quality of health. If the idea of working out seems a little too overwhelming in the beginning, stretching is a great alternative to get in the rhythm of moving your body with physical activity to help get your health back on track.

Not only is it beneficial to muscular relaxation, it has also been proven as a useful tool to relieve and manage stress, improve posture, and improving your range of motion while reducing your risk of injury. It may even just lead to a little bit more fun in bed 😉

Create a List of Daily Healthy Habits

Creating a list of daily healthy habits you wish to get done is a great tool to help keep you on track. This can include anything from meeting your daily water intake, reading a book, stretching, meditation, etc.

Doing this is a great way to take accountability for yourself or even as a way to inspire and push others to keep up with their healthy habits.

Great apps to use are HabitShare to use with friends and family, Calm for guided meditation, and MyFitnessPal to track you eating.

Create a Routine or Schedule

Creating a routine or schedule that works with your lifestyle is a key factor in getting your health back on track. Figuring out what works for you and when you have even 45 minutes of free time during the day will allow you to plan out when you can prep your meals for the day or sneak in a quick workout.

For those of us always on the go, Youtube is a great option to use when you need to sneak in a quick but effective workout, especially when you’re at a loss of what to do.

Youtubers to follow and try out are MadFit, Krissy Cela, Blogilates, and Chloe Ting. You’re in for a sure kickass workout with these girls with little to no equipment required.

Get Out There and Just Do It!

We’ve heard it all before but this is a moto I stand by even when I don’t like hearing it – The first day is always the hardest.

When you’ve been so caught up with work, school, and just life in general it can be daunting thinking about getting back into the gym and completing your first workout in a while. We always make excuses like “I have so much going on I just simply don’t have the time” or “I’ll start next week” or even just being downright lazy and the idea of sitting on the couch sounding 1000x better.

But the truth is, getting yourself to do that one workout it is the start. You will feel so much more productive and energized for the day when you’ve completed that first workout and it makes you want to stick with all of the other positive changes you’ve made towards a healthier lifestyle.

Although the idea of finding time to work out during a busy life can feel completely overwhelming, being able to burn off that extra stress will not only improve the quality of your overall health, but allow for more restful sleep and lead to better mental health.