How to Increase Your Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is defined as the enhanced ability to recognize emotions in oneself and others and the capacity to use those emotions to improve emotional and intellectual growth and decision making.

Emotional intelligence works in tandem with your intelligence quotient (IQ) to make for a more beneficial and successful life. For example, you may have a big project coming up at work and your IQ is there for you to be aware and capable of getting everything done. However, it is your emotional intelligence (EQ or EI) that allows you to remain calm during stressful situations to help you deliver the presentation properly. It also helps you build stronger relationships, succeed at school and work, and achieve your career and personal goals. It allows you to do so by connecting to your feelings and turning intent into actions. Emotional intelligence has also been proven to be the strongest predictor of success in the workplace.

5 Components of Emotional Intelligence

  1. Self-awareness: having a thorough understanding of one’s emotions, strengths, weaknesses, needs, and ambition
  2. Self-regulation: an ongoing conversation we must have with ourselves that frees us from our feelings
  3. Motivation: to achieve beyond everyone’s expectations, including one’s own; to achieve for the sake of achieving
  4. Empathy: being aware and considerate of other people’s feelings
  5. Social skills: combining friendliness, cooperation, and effective communication to improve transactions

How to Build Up Emotional Intelligence


  • Meditate
  • Get regular feedback
  • Wright down a list of priorities and goals you wish to focus on and track to see if you’ve made any progress


  • Set realistic, achievable goals
  • Encourage adaptability
  • Recognize and try to reduce stressors


  • Set goals that interest you
  • Create and repeat a new positive habit
  • Increase gratitude
  • Focus on accomplishments


  • Talk to other people
  • Make it a point to listen
  • Notice body language

Social Skills

  • Engage with others
  • Ask open ended questions
  • Practice maintaining eye contact
  • Listen to others