5 Ways You Can Increase Your Mind Motivation

Lack of motivation can play a significant role in day to day life as we constantly put off what we said we would get done today for tomorrow. While that is fine in moderation, it can easily become a habit and be detrimental to the goals you wish to accomplish. We will discuss tips to increase your mind motivation which will allow you to get back on track and succeed at completing the goals you set forth to accomplish.

Make a List

Make a list of all the tasks you need to accomplish for the day and actually do them. Having a list of priorities written down on paper has been proven increase your motivation of completing them when they are laid out in a physical format. Doing this also allows you to hold yourself accountable and can even be a bit satisfying as you watch yourself cross off each task completed until they are all done. If you are short on time and simply can’t fit everything into one day, move the items that you didn’t complete to the top of the list for the following day.

Set Daily Challenges

Setting a daily challenge for yourself is a great way to increase self discipline, which in turn can help to increase your motivation. It can be something even as simple as drinking a galloon of water a day, but it is still something that is challenging you. This can also give you the feeling of gratification as you completed a goal or challenge that benefits you although it may have been a little challenging. Soon these daily challenges will become a habit in your life and you can begin to increase the level of them or swap to new goals.


Exercise has been proven to be very beneficial not only to your physical health, but to your mind as well. It can reduce stress, improve your mood, improve self-esteem, and boost energy levels. It can also increase gratification in accomplishing physical achievements (even when you don’t want to), as well as increasing motivation level post workout to get other stuff done. It’s always good to fit exercise in whenever you find the time throughout the day, however, I’ve found that getting your workout out of the way in the morning sets a good precedent for the rest of the day.

Focus on You

We can become so focused on everything around us from work, school, and loved ones that we forget to take a step back and focus on ourselves. Although all of those things are important, we can’t properly take care of others and our responsibilities if we aren’t taking care of ourselves first. At least once a week, if not every day, set aside to focus on something that makes you happy. Whether it’s a hobby you enjoy, a self care day, 20 minutes for your skin care routine after a long day, make time for those things. Doing little things for yourself can help reduce burn out and increase motivation as all your energy won’t be focused else where.

Remember Why You’re Doing It

It’s so easy to lose sight of motivation and why you’re doing it in the first place. Just remember, that where you are now isn’t necessarily where you have to be in a year from now or even a month from now. Taking little steps everyday to get better really add up. Keeping the right mindset of why you’re challenging yourself allows you to keep pushing yourself. And if you need to, try keeping a physical picture of what you’re wishing to achieve. For example, vision boards are great because they allow you to look at what you’re aiming and working towards each day. Let the manifestations become reality.