13 Hot Girl Ways to Boujee Up Your Life with Simple Changes to Daily Tasks

We’ve all wanted to feel luxurious without having to spend an arm and a leg. These are our 13 tips on how to boujee up your life on a budget.

Use a Body Scrub

Incorporation of a body scrub into your shower ritual is an easy way to boujee up your life while still remaining affordable.

It gives your skin that extra “oomph” it needs to shrug off the dead skin and make way for soft, healthy new skin. It also allows for you to incorporate fragrance into your routine which speaks to your olfactory sense. This can often times make products feel more luxurious for when using them.

Set Up a Nice Bath

You’ve heard it before, but I’ll say it again! You can boujee up your life so so much but setting up a beautiful, relaxing and romantic bath!

Grab some candles, set up a bath caddy tray with some tea or a glass of wine, play some music, put on your favorite show or music and you’re good to go! You can spice it up even further by adding in bubbles or a bath bomb for something extra.

Trust me when I say you will feel so relaxed and boujee when you do this. You’ll want to make it a weekly ritual!

If you’re interested in how this can also romanticize your life, check out here.

Drink Infused Water

This might just be one of the easiest things you can do to boujee up your life on a routine basis! It also just happens to be a way to convert to healthier living as well for you.

Try making infused water in a pitcher to last you a couple of days. The options for this are endless. Mint and cucumber, strawberries and lime, orange and lemon, you name it!

Or if you’re looking for something you can grab quickly as a one time pour, I love to pour myself a glass of water with just a simple slice of orange or grapefruit in it. And if you’re really looking to spice it up, drink it out of a wine glass for extra class.

Light Candles Religiously

I never personally feel at my ultimate boujee-ness if my house doesn’t smell AH-MAZING. Which is way lighting candles or just simply keeping your house always smelling good is a perfect and easy way to boujee up your life.

You can achieve this through lighting candles, keeping wall plug-ins, having diffusers dispersed around the house, or even go as far as having the scent you love hooked up to your central HVAC via a device!

Some of my favorite candles to choose from at Forevr candles by Jackie Aina, Byredo’s, Boy Smells, Maison Margiela’s, and Bath & Body Works (of course).

Get Into Your Skincare Routine

I know I’m preaching to the choir with this tip, but I truly believe it is a must-do task to boujee up your life!

While having that perfect, clear skin will literally be the bane of my existence, I will continuously work towards that as my end goal. Besides, although perfect skin is usually our aim, you don’t have to have it to boujee up your life with a skincare routine.

It can not only be a relaxing and de-stressing activity to do at the end of a long day. But it also allows for you to have “me time” by allowing yourself just those 10-15 minutes to really care for yourself and the skin you’re in.

If you’re interested in my current favorites for my skincare routine, click here.

If you’re looking for more budget friendly options, check out my list here of the best affordable drugstore skincare products.

Listen to Music While You Make Dinner

Listening to music while you cook is an easy way to boujee up and romanticize your life. It can make what may feel to some as a chore, a lot more fun to do and even bring inspiration to new culinary ideas!

You don’t just have to stop at music though! Podcasts and audio books are also great to listen to while cooking. They can allow you to learn new information in a manner that you may not have able to normally fit into your day!

If you’re interested in how this can also allow you to romanticize your life, check out this post here.

Take Care of Your Hair

This may sound like an obvious tip, but so many people overlook what it means to actually take care of your hair. This is why it has made the list of ways you can boujee up your life.

While a lot of these tips can save you money in the long run, this unfortunately is not one you can take corners in. Instead of purchasing and using some of the cheap drugstore shampoos and conditioners that are going to put a layer over your hair and ruin it, find and invest in brands that are going to better your hair.

While you can absolutely find good brands at the drugstore, this is where you need to do your research on the brands that are good for your hair type and the brands that you should just avoid all together.

However, it doesn’t just stop there. Invest in hair masks and hair oils to use on a weekly basis. Find a great recipe you love and that works for you for a rice water hair mask! Go the extra mile and you will see results!

For a list of brands to avoid, check out this post here.

For an effective and easy to make rice water hair treatment, check out this recipe here.

Use Linen Mist for Your Bed Sheets

This definitely isn’t a necessity but does act as a way to boujee up your life. It goes hand in hand with making sure your house smells nice all of the time. Well, the same concept applies to your bed sheets!

Not only will your bed sheets smell lovely and expensive, but the scent itself, can act as a trigger when used at night to signal your brain that it is time to go to sleep.

If you use the same scent religiously, it can evoke tiredness in you once your head hits the pillow. This can therefore, be used as a more natural way to make it easier for you to fall asleep at night.

Invest in a Nice Espresso Machine

Investing in proper tools and supplies to make a pimped out coffee or matcha tea is a great way to boujee up your life and save you some bucks in the long run!

$6 a day for coffee from a shop really adds up over a week. Just think if you were to get coffee every day for a week, that would be $42 down the drain. And over the course of a year, you’re looking at $2,190!

Although buying the right supplies will be an investment at first, being able to make your favorite, expensive coffee from home is a great way to bring taste to your life while saving you money. And just think, if you’re like me and need more than one cup a day, you’ll have everything you need to make that second cup of coffee for yourself.

Practice Daily Yoga from Home

You can boujee up your life immensely by practicing yoga or pilates from home. Have you ever wanted a membership to an expensive studio but didn’t want to pay an arm and a leg for it?

Youtube is a great source of free, online flow practice and teaching that can be done from the comfort of your home!

Trust me when I say that your body and your wallet will be thanking me later 😉

Read Poetry

There is a certain junoesque when it comes to reading poetry, which is why it has made it onto this list a simple daily task that can boujee up your life.

Not only does it increase your knowledge, and I truly believe, your empathy as well. But there is something so sexy about a person who reads poetry.

Some of my favorite poetry authors to checkout are Rupi Kaur (of course, who hasn’t heard of her), Courtney Peppersnell, Michaela Angemeer, and Pierre Alex Jeanty!

Take Pride in the Food You’re Making

Being mindful and taking pride in the food that you’re making is another great way to boujee up your life.

If you’re going to make avocado toast for example, deck that thing out! Throw some red chili flakes and other seasonings on there. Maybe add some poached eggs and tomato. Or maybe make it a little sweeter by drizzling some honey on it.

Whatever you are going to make yourself to feed your body with, do so mindfully. This will help to deter a lot of crap from entering your body, when it should be nurtured with proper food instead.

Get Smart

There is honestly nothing hotter than a girl who knows what the f*@% she is talking about! This can be the most time consuming but effective way to boujee up your life.

Knowledge is power. And to make money, you’re going to need a heck of a lot of knowledge in whatever field you’re going in to.

Take finance for example. You’re not going to make a lot of money in the finance sector without knowing a lot about it first. That’s why I always urge everyone to learn as much as they can in order to better your life.

Checking out books from your local library or purchasing books you’ve been itching to read are a great way to start. I also recommend researching an article on a new subject you’re interested in and printing it out. This is an easy and affordable way to start slowly accumulating new information.

I suggest printing it out to further understand what you’re reading (especially if it’s a more complex topic) so you can highlight and annotate in the sidebar when needed. However, if you want to save some paper for the planet, reading it online will do just fine as well.

This post was all about simple changes to daily tasks you can do to boujee up your life!