15 Insanely Good Sources of Inspiration in Your Daily Life

We’ve all needed a good source of inspiration and motivation every now and then when we’re lacking in the creativity department. That’s why we have come up with 15 insanely good sources of inspiration in your daily life!


Even though the excessive use of television and movies is what takes away some people’s inspiration, I find it helpful in moderation.

For example, with my personal blog, watching shows such as Emily in Paris and Sex in the City fuel my inspiration. Additionally, movies such as The Tourist, Marie Antoinette, and Pride and Prejudice are personal favorites of mine that also relate to the aesthetic that I enjoy.

That’s why in moderation I believe watching some of your favorite shows or movies, that also relates to your content, is a great source of inspiration as you are able to pull ideas and sometimes even quotes from these sources of content.


Museums are a wonderful source of inspiration! And they are made to be just so!

Every where you walk and look around in a museum, you see other people’s sources of inspiration and their creative outlet! There is truly no better place to find it!

The great thing about museums is that they are filled with so many different types of captivating pieces. From paintings and sculptures, to light displays, and varying types of artwork styles (i.e. realism, impressionism, pop art, etc.), you are sure to find something you will be able to connect with and draw inspiration from.

Fashion Magazines

Fashion magazines are a true source of inspiration! They are a compelling art style from front cover to the very last page. From the way the models pose, to how they were dressed and the way their hair and makeup were done. To the writers, editors, and creative director all throughout the magazine who relentlessly and tirelessly poured their energy and creativity into it, they were truly made to be sources of inspiration and trend setting.

They are great sources to learn from titling and writing styles, photography styles, and the latest trends in fashion.


Just like in museums, architecture is a form of art that someone poured their heart and soul into when designing, which is why it is another great source of inspiration.

It also acts as a form of history like museums do. It allows you to travel back to a particular place or time, and see things as they once were back then. However, it also allows you to draw on newer generation inspiration in newer erected buildings.

It is a feat to wonder how many of these buildings were constructed in the first place, and I must say, truly awe inspiring.

Social Media

Just like with television, social media can be a great source of inspiration, but only in moderation. Social media is one of those places where it can also bring about many thoughts of negativity. This is due largely in part because you are truly only seeing the most curated aspects of people’s lives.

For example, I love drawing inspiration from Pinterest, Instagram, Tumblr, and Youtube. In large, I enjoy looking at pictures. However, I enjoy getting both the visually appealing aspect, as well and the informative aspect that Pinterest offers. Looking at other people’s pins that you are also interested in, and reading them is a sure way to bring you inspiration!

Youtube is also a great source of inspiration and motivation because it allows you to learn how other people are doing something in particular and see that it is working for them. This in turn can motivate and inspire you to do better by following those simple guidelines and steps.


Podcasts are a great source of inspiration and motivation! I find is enjoyable to listen to my favorite influences, but also listening to podcasts that are informative and will better you.

They can be great sources of information, whether it’s getting your daily news of what’s going on in the world, to experiences of a founder and CEO of a multi-million dollar company.

It’s great to hear how other peoples minds work because it teaches you how your mind can begin to think in that way, and how you can achieve the level of success that that person has achieved.

Great examples of podcasts are Working Hard, Hardly Working by Grace Beverly, The High Performance Podcast with Jake Humphrey and Damian Hughes, and We Study Billionaires.


I personally believe traveling is the ultimate source of inspiration. There’s honestly just nothing else like it.

Depending on what you do, you are able to capture so many difference sources in one. From the architect of the city around you, to the culture and food of the country, to the history, music and art of the native people. It is truly a unique and life changing experience.

Traveling will truly make you want to reevaluate how you wish to spend your time and money, and get you to thinking about ways to be able to visit that place again.

For some, a certain place will make a great painting, or a greeting story setting in a book. Whatever you are wishing to draw inspiration for, traveling is a sure way to evoke that in you.


Books are a great source of inspiration because they allow you to become lost in a different world for a period of time. Or they can do quite the opposite. Certain books can allow you to become completely in touch with yourself and your surroundings depending on the focus of the book.

I think it’s great for you to have a mixture of books that bring you inspiration by meeting your certain aesthetic, and also reading motivational and influential books.

I personally adore getting lost in the classics such as Wuthering Heights, Pride and Prejudice, and Mansfield Park. However, I also love books that better your mind and heart as a person. For example, Working Hard, Hardly Working is a great high performance, productivity book. True Love teaches you all about what love is from loving yourself, to what it means to love another person. And Chasing Chaos, is a great book on the life and experiences of a humanitarian aid worker in and out of the field.

Additionally, poetry books can be a great source of inspiration for you as it allows you to connect with yourself and other’s deep rooted feelings. Anything by Rupi Kaur (of course) and Pierre Jeanty I adore and highly recommend.


From jazz, classical, rock, pop, and indie music, you are sure to find music as a source of inspiration no matter what genre you choose.

I personally enjoy putting on a coffee shop playlist that is free of lyrics or some French music when I need to concentrate on a particular thing. I find that this really helps me zone in to the task at hand and gives me the coffee shop ambiance without actually having to leave my house.

Music has the ability to transport you to a different place while listening to it, and can even be used as a tool to better one’s life.

Check out this post here as to how I use music to romanticize my life.


I often feel as though exercise is a source of inspiration that many people forget about.

Exercise can be a great source of inspiration and motivation if you are looking to better your life through better health, seek clarity, and learn new techniques.

For example, if you practice yoga, pilates, or barre, these would all be great sources of inspiration to not only better your health but seeking clarity and a sense of awakening through the guided exercise and flows.

If you practice weight lifting, boxing, or HIIT routines, these could be great sources of inspiration for you to compile sets and circuits for you to add into a fitness book you are making. It is usually always accompanied by clean eating as well when a person begins to incorporate exercise into their daily routine.

Exercise not only acts to clear your mind and reduce cortisol levels, but allows you to learn new information about health and wellness along the way.

For inspiration on sources of cardio that don’t involve running, check out this post here.

If you’re looking for inspiration on how to get your health back on track, check out this post here.

Vision Boards

You can find a great source of inspiration from vision boards because you are able to physically see the goals you have set on a physical display board to work towards.

When you are able to look at it every day, it allows you to draw inspiration from what you have put up there. This in turn allows you to manifest them by seeing your dreams and your goals, and work towards them every single day.

I recommend starting a vision board to hang up on your wall or wherever you want where it is easily viewable. Some people create these annually, however, if you have not achieved certain goals by the end of the year, then they still remain a great source of inspiration for the following year.

Grab some magazines and cut out whatever makes you inspired and motivates you and then tap them onto a hangable board.

You can check out an example of mine down below!

sources of inspiration


Going out for a walk, to the park, or even a hike is another great way to find sources of inspiration. It can provide clarity through the combined use of exercise and simply getting fresh air.

According to Greatergood.berkely.edu, “Scientists are beginning to find evidence that being in nature has a profound impact on our brains and our behavior, helping us to reduce anxiety, brooding, and stress, and increase our attention capacity, creativity, and our ability to connect with other people”.

You can find the full article here if you wish to learn more.

People Watching

An activity that is often frowned up in America but beloved in many other countries, people watching can be a great source of inspiration!

I actually love pulling up to a cafe, grabbing a coffee or an espresso martini and people watch. There’s this cute little place in my city right across the street from a park which makes it the perfect setting to do this! Getting some fresh air and watching other people enjoy time in the sun and in the park is perfect for inspiration and clarity.

Acts of Kindness

It is so refreshing and inspiring these days to see random acts of kindness from strangers. It is truly the most natural source of inspiration and motivation to do better in life.

Seeing people set up food and clothing drives, volunteering at soup kitchens, or even helping out an elderly person inspires me on ways that I can give back to the community. Or even bringing awareness to problems that deserve more attention and could benefit from charity work.

This may also be able to inspire you in other ways. If you’re really into politics, I’ve have a friend that has organized entire protests. There are endless possibilities of what we are capable of when we find inspiration and feel passionate about certain topics.

Pick up a Hobby

Figuring out a hobby that you find enjoyable and captivating is a great source of inspiration. It allows you to focus and put your energy into something that is not only fun, but rewarding.

Hobbies are great because they allow you to work on something that brings you happiness. This is especially important to have when you are in a position or have a job that does not do that for you. It’s important to have a hobby because it allows your better your abilities and talents. It also encourages you to spend your free time in a more constructive manner than simply watching TV.

For example, I really enjoy writing and talking about things that interest me and are on my mind, which is why I have this blog. So I can connect and engage with you about similar interests that we have in common.

But your hobby doesn’t have to be as big as starting a blog from scratch. It can even be something like taking up reading. Or if you have the time and energy to dedicate to learning a new instrument or language, it fosters your brain to think in ways it hadn’t been previously.

The great thing about hobbies is that they don’t have to be done alone. Encouraging your friends and family to take up a hobby with you can be helpful to keep you motivated to keep up with it until you get better and it just naturally becomes a habit.

This post was all about sources of inspiration to promote creativity and motivation in your daily life.