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- Author: Julia Peterson -

4 Tips for a More Restful Nights Sleep

Let Off Built up Stress – Sleep Better at Night Getting some sort of physical exercise throughout the day is crucial to sleep better at night. Not only does it help to relieve any built up stress, but it will help clear your mind and release energy that keeps your mind racing at night. A kickboxing class, yoga class, weight lifting, or a run are great options to positively work off your energy. Stretch Before Bed Stretching before bed not only allows you to relax your muscles, but it also helps to improve blood flow. Both of these aid in…


5 Ways to Get Your Health Back on Track

Meal Prep Even if it’s not for the week, simply preparing your breakfast and lunch for the day the night before can save you a great deal of time in the morning. Doing this will ensure you are eating healthy throughout the day to help get you health back on track. It can also save you quite a bit of money every month if you’re the type of person that likes to eat out a lot. Overnight oats, a yogurt bowl or fruit dish are great ideas that are easy and quick for something in the morning. For lunch, a…
