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- Category: Blogging -

15 Insanely Good Sources of Inspiration in Your Daily Life

We’ve all needed a good source of inspiration and motivation every now and then when we’re lacking in the creativity department. That’s why we have come up with 15 insanely good sources of inspiration in your daily life! TV Even though the excessive use of television and movies is what takes away some people’s inspiration, I find it helpful in moderation. For example, with my personal blog, watching shows such as Emily in Paris and Sex in the City fuel my inspiration. Additionally, movies such as The Tourist, Marie Antoinette, and Pride and Prejudice are personal favorites of mine that…


9 Insanely Important Blogging Tips for Beginners

There can be a lot of new information to learn when it comes to first time bloggers which is why we have comprised a list of our top blogging tips for beginners. SEO Writing proper SEO is crucial for bloggers, especially when you are just starting out. It allows Google to understand what you are writing about and which will help to boost your website’s performance over time. It does so by ranking where your site will appear within Google’s search engine when a person searches a particular topic. This is why focusing on SEO from the very beginning is…


5 Must Have Tools You Need When Starting a Blog

It can be a bit overwhelming when starting a blog for the first time. With trying to figure out the necessary tools and best sites to use that will give your blog a professional look while still being affordable. That’s why we have accumulated our top five must have tools you need when starting a blog. This post is all about simplifying the blogging process while you learn the tricks of the trade. Self Hosted Website A self hosted website is one of the MUST HAVE tools you need when starting a blog. I cannot stress this to you enough.…


4 Insanely Important Reasons to Keep Reinventing Yourself

Change can be one of the most difficult things for us to adapt to, however, it is a natural and needed aspect of life. This post is all about why it’s important to keep reinventing yourself throughout your life. You Will Not Remain the Same Person Throughout Your Life People are constantly changing and involving throughout life, including you. This is in much part due to experiences we have endured in life that changes us as people. Although you will remain fundamentally the same person, your interests, ideals, and outlook on life will change. This is a natural aspect of…


4 Ways to Avoid Copyright for Your Images

Copyright infringement can be a big issue, especially when it comes to new bloggers, often times done accidentally. It can be oh-so-easy to use a picture you found online in one of your posts to help tell a story. However, the copyright aspect comes into place when the image is not cited or cited incorrectly. I will discuss ways to avoid copyright infringement using proper citing techniques and online tools you can use for cheap or even free images. Images Images can often times be one of the most difficult aspects of blogging to avoid copyright on. If you are…
