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- Category: Health and Wellness -

In the Mood to Get Hot and Cozy?

Our Go-To Drink To Lift Your Spirits This Holiday Season Ever heard of the saying “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”? Well we’re giving it a fun little spin on the classic hot toddy! Although hot toddy’s are typically made with water as their base, we’ve decided to use a more delicious alternative that is sure to put you in the mood to get hot and cozy this holiday season. Apple cider! Apple cider contains polyphenols which act as a powerful antioxidant that can help the body fight against free radicals, cell damage, and inflammation. And because apple…


Skin in Need of a Little TLC?

We all have our days or even weeks when our skin is just not where we want it to be. These are products we love when our skin could use a little pick-me-up to get it hydrated and glowing again. Let’s Talk About Toners A good toner is CRUCIAL to detoxifying and improving the look of skin as well as its texture. However, it is a balance between using a toner too much or too little. We don’t want to over dry and over exfoliate our skin which will just cause further breakouts, and we don’t want to hardly ever…


Get That Cardio In

And it doesn’t involve running Boxing Boxing and kickboxing are great alternatives to cardio that doesn’t involve running which allow you to not only get in a good workout, but allow you to get your cardio in and build up your endurance. It’s a great exercise that can be done taking a kickboxing class in your local gym, a studio that specializes in boxing workouts, or from the comfort of your home. Grab a friend, spouse, or anyone else you have around and throw on a pair of gloves! Pro tip: Check out youtube or google for some boxing combos…


4 Tips for a More Restful Nights Sleep

Let Off Built up Stress – Sleep Better at Night Getting some sort of physical exercise throughout the day is crucial to sleep better at night. Not only does it help to relieve any built up stress, but it will help clear your mind and release energy that keeps your mind racing at night. A kickboxing class, yoga class, weight lifting, or a run are great options to positively work off your energy. Stretch Before Bed Stretching before bed not only allows you to relax your muscles, but it also helps to improve blood flow. Both of these aid in…


5 Ways to Get Your Health Back on Track

Meal Prep Even if it’s not for the week, simply preparing your breakfast and lunch for the day the night before can save you a great deal of time in the morning. Doing this will ensure you are eating healthy throughout the day to help get you health back on track. It can also save you quite a bit of money every month if you’re the type of person that likes to eat out a lot. Overnight oats, a yogurt bowl or fruit dish are great ideas that are easy and quick for something in the morning. For lunch, a…
