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- Category: Mind -

15 Insanely Good Sources of Inspiration in Your Daily Life

We’ve all needed a good source of inspiration and motivation every now and then when we’re lacking in the creativity department. That’s why we have come up with 15 insanely good sources of inspiration in your daily life! TV Even though the excessive use of television and movies is what takes away some people’s inspiration, I find it helpful in moderation. For example, with my personal blog, watching shows such as Emily in Paris and Sex in the City fuel my inspiration. Additionally, movies such as The Tourist, Marie Antoinette, and Pride and Prejudice are personal favorites of mine that…


4 Insanely Important Reasons to Keep Reinventing Yourself

Change can be one of the most difficult things for us to adapt to, however, it is a natural and needed aspect of life. This post is all about why it’s important to keep reinventing yourself throughout your life. You Will Not Remain the Same Person Throughout Your Life People are constantly changing and involving throughout life, including you. This is in much part due to experiences we have endured in life that changes us as people. Although you will remain fundamentally the same person, your interests, ideals, and outlook on life will change. This is a natural aspect of…


5 Ways You Can Increase Your Mind Motivation

Lack of motivation can play a significant role in day to day life as we constantly put off what we said we would get done today for tomorrow. While that is fine in moderation, it can easily become a habit and be detrimental to the goals you wish to accomplish. We will discuss tips to increase your mind motivation which will allow you to get back on track and succeed at completing the goals you set forth to accomplish. Make a List Make a list of all the tasks you need to accomplish for the day and actually do them.…


How to Increase Your Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is defined as the enhanced ability to recognize emotions in oneself and others and the capacity to use those emotions to improve emotional and intellectual growth and decision making. Emotional intelligence works in tandem with your intelligence quotient (IQ) to make for a more beneficial and successful life. For example, you may have a big project coming up at work and your IQ is there for you to be aware and capable of getting everything done. However, it is your emotional intelligence (EQ or EI) that allows you to remain calm during stressful situations to help you deliver…


5 Ways to Boost Self Confidence

Positive Internal Dialogue Having a positive internal dialogue with yourself is crucial for building self confidence. Focus on trying to diminish negative self talk and replace it with internal words and thoughts of encouragement. The age old saying remains true to this day, “You wouldn’t talk to your friends how you talk to yourself”. Positive affirmations is one of the only known ways to break self sabotage. Practice them and practice them often to truly see a difference in how you think about yourself and the life around you. Practice Self Love The active art of practicing self love is…


4 Tips for a More Restful Nights Sleep

Let Off Built up Stress – Sleep Better at Night Getting some sort of physical exercise throughout the day is crucial to sleep better at night. Not only does it help to relieve any built up stress, but it will help clear your mind and release energy that keeps your mind racing at night. A kickboxing class, yoga class, weight lifting, or a run are great options to positively work off your energy. Stretch Before Bed Stretching before bed not only allows you to relax your muscles, but it also helps to improve blood flow. Both of these aid in…
